''Ultimatum'' is a five-issue comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics under its Ultimate Marvel imprint from January 2009 to September 2009. The series, which was written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by David Finch, tied in with all other Ultimate titles, and dealt with Magneto's attempts to destroy the world following the apparent deaths of the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in ''Ultimates 3''. The first issue was the best-selling comic of January 2009, selling over 100,000 copies, though sales dropped with subsequent issues. Despite relatively strong sales, the series received almost universally negative reviews upon its conclusion. ==History== The foreshadowing of the ''Ultimatum'' event began in late 2007 when ''Ultimate Power'' #8 featured a banner on its cover reading, "''March on Ultimatum''". The following summer, a teaser advertisement for ''Ultimatum'' ran in all Marvel titles. It depicted a broken tombstone reading 2000-2008, with the 2008 piece broken from its place, indicating that the Ultimate Universe would be ending that year. In an interview on YouTube, artist David Finch said that Loeb would be bringing much to all of the Ultimate Universe to a close. Loeb said in an interview with Comic Book Resources that the storyline would "hopscotch back and forth between the two books (Fantastic Four'' and ''Ultimate X-Men'' ) and conclude what I would like to say is the first chapter of the Ultimate Universe. What that means and how that's explored is the basis of our story and we're not letting any cats out of the bag."〔Richards, Dave (July 28, 2007). ("CCI: Ultimate Changes: Loeb Talks ''Ultimatum'' and ''Ultimates 3''" ). Comic Book Resources.〕 During the Marvel Ultimate Universe panel at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con, Jeph Loeb said that Aron Coleite's run on ''Ultimate X-Men'' would tie-in to ''Ultimatum'', but did not indicate that this series would end. While it was first reported in ''Wizard'' magazine that only one Ultimate Marvel title would be ending following the series, ''Ultimate X-Men'', ''Ultimate Spider-Man'', and ''Ultimate Fantastic Four'' were all canceled following the events of ''Ultimatum''. ''The Ultimates'' continued under the title ''Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates'' after ''Ultimatum'', and is written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by artist Frank Cho. Mark Millar, writer and creator of ''The Ultimates'', ''Ultimate Fantastic Four'', and ''Ultimate X-Men'', is the writer for a new series entitled ''Ultimate Comics: Avengers'', which features a rotating team of artists such as Carlos Pacheco, Leinil Francis Yu and Steve Dillon. ''Ultimate Spider-Man'' was relaunched after the end of ''Ultimatum'', written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by artist David Lafuente, who provided the art for the third ''Ultimate Spider-Man Annual''. Jeph Loeb also wrote a second series entitled ''Ultimate Comics: X'', which dealt with mutants struggling under the new laws passed in the Ultimate Universe after the events of ''Ultimatum''. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ultimatum (Ultimate Marvel)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク